The rapper claims that she continues to talk about him in a negative and false light and is intentionally attempting to cause him emotional distress. Even though this appears as a small win for ms reign she will still have to defend herself against Future's allegations against her including invasion of privacy and that she was attempting to become famous off of his name and affiliation with him.
The whole story is messy
"Future filed a Defamation Complaint against Reign in February of 2020 in which Reign’s attorney responded that it was the rapper’s latest attempt to “intimidate, harass, and financially drain” her so that she’ll accept an inadequate child support settlement in their separate paternity case.
Recently, Judge Altonaga called out both parties’ representation for their lack of professionalism. In a court order, Judge Altonaga wrote, “The Court is frankly dismayed by the lack of professionalism shown by counsel for both parties.” It appears that each side failed to properly handle routine litigation actions and failed to work together to agree on a case management schedule, which would allow the case to move forward.
Future and Reign are both represented by the same attorneys in their separate paternity case regarding one-year-old, Reign Wilburn.
If Future would like his case reconsidered, he will need to file an Amended Complaint soon." - Baller Alert
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